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Fedezze fel a bonsai szépségét Magyarországon a Mistral Bonsai webáruházban

Üdvözöljük a Mistral Bonsainál, a kiváló bonsai fák és kiegészítők elsőszámú vásárlóhelyén Magyarországon. Gyönyörködjön a bonsai termesztés művészetében, miközben felfedezi gondosan összeállított kollekciónkat, amely tökéletes a rajongók és a kezdők számára egyaránt.

Fedezze fel Bonsai Magyarország választékunkat

Bonsai fák: Merüljön el bonsai fáink eleganciájában, melyeket aprólékosan, tökéletességig ápolnak. A fenséges Junipertől a finom Ficusig, minden bonsai egy csipetnyi természetes szépséget kölcsönöz minden térnek.

Bonsai kiegészítők: Emelje bonsai élményét prémium kategóriás kiegészítőinkkel. Fedezze fel az elegáns cserepeket, a speciális eszközöket és a szakértelemmel megmunkált ékszereket, hogy fokozza bonsai mesterműve szépségét.

Ismerje meg a Magyarországon legkelendőbb bonsaikat.

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  • Daruma. Japanese ceramic figurine. Black (5 cm)


    Daruma. Japanese ceramic figurine. Black (5 cm). Daruma dolls are a symbol of good luck and fortune and are often offered as a gift. The doll has a face with a moustache and beard, but its eyes are completely white. The eyes of the Daruma are used as a reminder and motivation to achieve goals or big tasks.

  • Daruma. Japanese ceramic figurine. Red (5 cm)


    Daruma. Japanese ceramic figurine. Red (5 cm). Daruma dolls are a symbol of good luck and fortune and are often offered as a gift. The doll has a face with a moustache and beard, but its eyes are completely white. The eyes of the Daruma are used as a reminder and motivation to achieve goals or big tasks.

  • Zelkova parvifolia. Bonsai 6 years. Japanese Elm.
    • On sale!
    • -20%

    Zelkova parvifolia. Bonsai 6 years. Japanese Elm

    €25.17 -20% €31.46

    Zelkova parvifolia. Bonsai 6 years. Japanese Elm. Indoor bonsai. The Zelkova is appreciated for the size and characteristic shape of its leaves, as well as for the aged appearance of its bark, which peels. It stands out for its resistance. As a curiosity, in the right climate, it can be placed outdoors all year round, becoming a deciduous bonsai that sprouts with the arrival of spring.

    Leaf type: evergreen

  • Indoor bonsai 5 years Deco Artisan collection
    • On sale!
    • -10%

    Indoor bonsai 5 years Deco Artisan collection

    €28.37 -10% €31.53

    Indoor bonsai 5 years Deco Artisan collection. The pots in the Deco Artisan collection simulate a wicker basket, classic natural fiber par excellence. Combined with your bonsai, these pots will add a relaxed and warm touch to your home decor.

  • Acer palmatum deshojo....
    • -20%

    Acer palmatum deshojo. Bonsai 7 years. Japanese...

    €30.65 -20% €38.31

    Acer palmatum deshojo. Bonsai 7 years. Japanese Red Maple. Due to their characteristics these are outdoor trees, ideal for balconies, gardens and terraces. Fast-growing deciduous tree. Very appreciated for the colouring of its leaves.

    Leaf type: deciduous

  • Indoor Bonsai 5 years Deco Terra Collection


    Indoor bonsai 5 years Deco Terra Collection. Create a new environment with this unique Deco Terra pot. Its earthy colours, which are inspired in the majesty of the earth in eruption, will bring warmth to your space. Add an authentic touch to your decoration and let the beauty of nature bloom in each corner of your home.

    Choose your bonsai:

  • Indoor Bonsai 5 years Deco Etnic Collection


    Indoor bonsai 5 years Deco Etnic collection. Find out the Deco Etnic pot that will make your home look more beautiful with an original character. Its handcrafted design reflects the tradition of ancient cultures, adding an original touch to your plants and home thanks to its perfect combination of tradition and modernity.

    Choose your bonsai:

  • Buxus harlandii. Bonsai 7 years. Harland boxwood


    Buxus harlandii. Bonsai 7 years. Harland boxwood. The trees classified as indoor are trees that mostly come from tropical climates and that, therefore, do not like low temperatures. We must place them inside the houses, always close to a source of natural light. Evergreen tree or bush. Slow growth. Valued as a bonsai for its trunk and small leaves.

    Leaf type: evergreen

  • Pyracantha. Bonsai 7 years....
    • On sale!
    • -15%

    Pyracantha. Bonsai 7 years. Firethorn

    €32.57 -15% €38.31

    Pyracantha. Bonsai 7 years. Firethorn. Outdoor bonsai, typical of the Mediterranean. Very appreciated for its white flowers in spring and its green fruits, which turn orange in autumn. It needs both sun and cold to produce fruit.

    Leaf type: evergreen

  • Pyracantha sp. Bonsai 7...
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    • -20%

    Pyracantha sp. Bonsai 7 years. Firethorn.

    €35.96 -20% €44.95

    Pyracantha sp. Bonsai 7 years. Firethorn. It is a typical Mediterranean tree that lives better outdoors because it needs sun and cold to produce fruits. Evergreen. Much appreciated for its white flowers in spring and its colourful fruits in autumn.

  • Indoor bonsai 6 years Deco Artisan collection
    Out Of Stock
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    • -5%

    Indoor bonsai 6 years Deco Artisan collection

    €36.49 -5% €38.41

    Indoor bonsai 6 years Deco Artisan collection. The pots in the Deco Artisan collection simulate a wicker basket, classic natural fiber par excellence. Combined with your bonsai, these pots will add a relaxed and warm touch to your home decor.

    Product available with different options
  • Ficus carica. Bonsai 7 years. Fig tree


    Ficus carica. Bonsai 7 years. Fig tree. Outdoor bonsai, typical from the Mediterranean. It is a bonsai that is characterised for producing edible fruit, the figs. It also stands out for its fast growth. It needs both sun and cold to produce fruit.

    Leaf type: deciduous

  • Morus sp. Bonsai 7 years. Mulberry tree.


    Morus sp. Bonsai 7 years. Mulberry tree. It is a typical Mediterranean tree that lives better outdoors because it needs sun and cold to produce fruits. Deciduous tree. Very appreciated for its edible fruits.

    Leaf type: deciduous

  • Pinus halepensis. Bonsai 7...
    • On sale!
    • -15%

    Pinus halepensis. Bonsai 7 years. Aleppo pine

    €38.20 -15% €44.95

    Pinus halepensis. Bonsai 7 years. Aleppo pine. These are typical Mediterranean trees, they live better outside. Evergreen tree, with leaves called “needles”. It belongs to the order of conifers, since its fruit is cone shaped. Of grayish branches and bark. Very resistant to arid conditions. At the root level, it associates with fungi to form the famous mycorrhizae, thus improving its nutrient absorption.

  • Acer palmatum atropurpureum. Bonsai 7 years....


    Acer palmatum atropurpureum. Bonsai 7 years. Japanese Red Maple. Due to their characteristics these are outdoor trees, ideal for balconies, gardens and terraces. Fast-growing deciduous tree. Very appreciated for the colouring of its leaves.

    Leaf type: deciduous

  • Indoor Bonsai 6 years Deco Terra Collection


    Indoor bonsai 6 years Deco Terra Collection. Create a new environment with this unique Deco Terra pot. Its earthy colours, which are inspired in the majesty of the earth in eruption, will bring warmth to your space. Add an authentic touch to your decoration and let the beauty of nature bloom in each corner of your home.

    Choose your bonsai:

  • Indoor Bonsai 6 years Deco Etnic Collection


    Indoor bonsai 6 years Deco Etnic collection. Find out the Deco Etnic pot that will make your home look more beautiful with an original character. Its handcrafted design reflects the tradition of ancient cultures, adding an original touch to your plants and home thanks to its perfect combination of tradition and modernity.

    Choose your bonsai:

  • Carmona microphylla. Bonsai 8 years. Oriental or Fukien tea tree
    • On sale!
    • -25%

    Carmona microphylla. Bonsai 8 years. Oriental...

    €39.38 -25% €52.50

    Carmona microphylla. Bonsai 8 years. Oriental or Fukien tea tree. The so-called indoor trees are mostly trees from tropical origins, that do not support low temperatures. We must place them indoors, always close to a source of natural light. It is a tropical evergreen leaf tree. It’s appreciated for its shiny leaves, white flowers and small red fruits.

  • Ficus retusa. Bonsai 8...
    • On sale!
    • -25%

    Ficus retusa. Bonsai 8 years. Chinese banyan

    €39.38 -25% €52.50

    Ficus retusa. Bonsai 8 years. Chinese banyan. Indoor bonsai. It is one of the most popular bonsai among the bonsai lovers. Its resistance makes it ideal for beginners and its possibilities ideal for experts. In addition to its great resistance and adaptability, it is highly appreciated for its ability to produce aerial roots.

    Leaf type: evergreen

  • Ficus carica. Bonsai 7 years. Fig tree


    Ficus carica. Bonsai 7 years. Fig tree. Outdoor bonsai, typical from the Mediterranean. It is a bonsai that is characterised for producing edible fruit, the figs. It also stands out for its fast growth. It needs both sun and cold to produce fruit.

    Leaf type: deciduous

  • Ginkgo biloba. Bonsai 7 years. Maidenhair tree


    Ginkgo biloba. Bonsai 7 years. Maidenhair tree. These are trees that, by nature, must be placed outside, ideal for balconies, gardens and terraces. Deciduous tree. The leaves are in the shape of a fan and are valued because of their yellow colour.

  • Citrus myrtifolia. Bonsai 8...
    • On sale!
    • -15%

    Citrus myrtifolia. Bonsai 8 years. Orange tree...

    €44.63 -15% €52.50

    Citrus myrtifolia. Bonsai 8 years. Orange tree or chinotto. These are typical Mediterranean trees, they live better outside because they need both the sun and the cold to produce fruit. Tree with deciduous leaves, with a very fragrant flowering in spring. From November to February you can see the strong colour of its fruits.

    Leaf type: evergreen

  • Pinus halepensis. Bonsai 8...
    • On sale!
    • -15%

    Pinus halepensis. Bonsai 8 years. Aleppo pine.

    €44.63 -15% €52.50

    Pinus halepensis. Bonsai 8 years. Aleppo pine. These are typical Mediterranean trees, they live better outside because they need both the sun. Evergreen tree, with leaves called “needles”. It belongs to the order of conifers, since its fruit is cone shaped. Of grayish branches and bark. Very resistant to arid conditions. At the root level, it associates with fungi to form the famous mycorrhizae, thus improving its nutrient absorption.

  • Olea europaea. Bonsai 8 years. Olive tree
    • On sale!
    • -15%

    Olea europaea. Bonsai 8 years. Olive tree

    €44.63 -15% €52.50

    Olea europaea. Bonsai 8 years. Olive tree. It is a typical Mediterranean tree that lives better outdoors because it needs sun and cold to produce fruits. Evergreen tree of slow but steady growth. From its fruits, the olives, is extracted the appreciated olive oil.

    Leaf type: evergreen

Az online áruházunk teljes katalógusát ide kattintva érheti el. Több mint 2000 termék áll rendelkezésre, melyeket közvetlenül Magyarországra szállítunk.

Miért válassza a Mistral Bonsait bonsai igényeinek kielégítésére?

Minőségbiztosítás: Büszkék vagyunk arra, hogy csak a legjobb minőségű bonsai példányokat és tartozékokat szerezzük be, biztosítva, hogy minden egyes vásárlás meghaladja az Ön elvárásait.

Szakértői útmutatás: Bonsai szakértőink csapata személyre szabott tanácsokkal és támogatással áll rendelkezésére, segítve Önt abban, hogy bonsaiját magabiztosan ápolhassa és gondozhassa.

Gyors és megbízható szállítás: Élvezze a gyors kiszállítást Magyarország bármely pontjára, mint Budapest, Debrecen, Szeged, Miskolc, Pécs, Győr, Nyíregyháza, Kecskemét, Székesfehérvár vagy Szombathely, 4-7 munkanapos szállítási idővel. Biztos lehet benne, hogy bonsaiját gondosan csomagoljuk, hogy biztonságosan megérkezzen.

Vásároljon most és tapasztalja meg a bonsai varázsát Magyarországon

Csatlakozzon a magyarországi bonsai rajongók egyre növekvő közösségéhez és induljon el saját bonsai utazására a Mistral Bonsaival. Fedezze fel kollekciónkat még ma, és fedezze fel a bonsai szépségét saját maga.

Tapasztalja meg a bonsai időtlen művészetét a Mistral Bonsai - Ahol a természet találkozik a művészettel.

Bonsait közvetlenül szállítunk más EU-s országokba is, mint Olaszország, Ausztria, Belgium, Bulgária, Horvátország, Csehország, Dánia, Észtország, Finnország, Németország, Görögország, Írország, Lettország, Litvánia, Luxemburg, Hollandia, Lengyelország, Portugália, Románia, Szlovákia, Szlovénia, Svédország, stb....