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  • Prunus tomentosa. Bonsai 8...
    Out Of Stock

    Prunus tomentosa. Bonsai 8 years. Nanking Cherry


    Prunus tomentosa. Bonsai 8 years. Nanking Cherry. These are trees that, by nature, must be placed outside, ideal for balconies, gardens and terraces. The most remarkable feature of Prunus tomentosa is the dark reddish brown color of its bark, that cracks over time and desquamates in vertical strips. The leaves are alternate, oval, with serrated margins. In the under-part of the leaves are appearing hairs, giving them a more greyish colour.

    Leaf type: deciduous

  • Prunus tomentosa. Bonsai 8 years. Nanking Cherry.
    Out Of Stock

    Prunus tomentosa. Bonsai 8 years. Nanking Cherry.


    Prunus tomentosa. Bonsai 8 years. Nanking Cherry. These are trees that, by nature, must be placed outside, ideal for balconies, gardens and terraces. The most remarkable feature of Prunus tomentosa is the dark reddish brown color of its bark, that cracks over time and desquamates in vertical strips.

    Leaf type: deciduous
