Bonsai books and guides
In this section of the Mistral Bonsai online store you will find a wide variety of books and guides specialized in the world of bonsai. Through which you can learn bonsai training and cultivation techniques, oriental culture and much more.
Author: Willi Benz
Language: English - German
Manuales Prácticos: Bonsái Book (SP)
€21.00Manuales Prácticos: Bonsái Book (SP)
Language: Spanish
Author: Werner M. Busch
Editorial: Omega
The Needle Juniper Book
€21.72 -25% €28.95This book focuses on the Juniperus bonsai species, however, the instructions given about growing and caring for bonsai are applicable to any other kind of tree we work with, taking into consideration, of course, the different needs of each species.
Author: Josep M.Miquel
Language: English
Estética y Bonsái. Guía práctica Book (SP)
€22.01Estética y Bonsái. Guía práctica Book (SP)
Language: Spanish
Author: François Jeker
Beginner's book for bonsai Book (JP)
€22.51Beginner's book for bonsai Book (JP)
Language: Japanese
Author: Kaoria Yamada - Saika Bonsai
MINI BONSAI érable de Burger - Acer...
€24.00MINI BONSAI érable de Burger - Acer buergerianum Book (FR)
Author: Kyosuke Gun
Language: French
Cómo crear un Bonsái de Pino Book (SP)
€21.85 -5% €23.00Cómo crear un Bonsái de Pino Book (SP). With over 500 illustrations, Abe Kurakichi takes us into a world of beauty, wide open spaces, and wild nature. In this book we can find the study of bonsai techniques applied especially to pines.
Language: Spanish
How to make Pine Bonsai Book
€25.00Book "How to make Pine Bonsai". With over 500 illustrations, Abe Kurakichi takes us into a world of beauty, wide open spaces, and wild nature. In this book, we can find the study of bonsai techniques applied especially to pines.
Language: English
Arte y Técnica en el bonsái Book (SP)
€23.90Arte y Técnica en el bonsái Book (SP)
Language: Spanish
Author: Christian Pessey
Editorial: Editorial Hispano Europea
Suiseki, el maravilloso arte de las piedras...
€22.80 -10% €25.33Suiseki, el maravilloso arte de las piedras Book (SP)
Language: Spanish
Author: Willi Benz
Editorial: Jardinpress
Cerisiers du Japon et autres Prunus d'ornement...
€23.99Cerisiers du Japon et autres Prunus d'ornement Book (FR)
Language: French
Author: Franck Sadrin
MINI BONSAÏ: Le Genévrier / Juniperus Chinensis...
€24.00MINI BONSAÏ: Le Genévrier / Juniperus Chinensis Book (FR)
Language: French
Author: Kyôsuke Gun
MINI BONSAÏ: Ilex serrata, Malus cerasifera et...
€24.00MINI BONSAÏ: Ilex serrata, Malus cerasifera et espèces à petits fruits Book (FR)
Language: French
Author: Kyôsuke Gun
MINI BONSAÏ: Le Zelkova Book (FR)
€24.00MINI BONSAÏ: Le Zelkova Book (FR)
Language: French
Author: Kyôsuke Gun
MINI BONSAÏ: Juniperus Rigida / Toshô Book (FR)
€24.00MINI BONSAÏ: Juniperus Rigida / Toshô Book (FR)
Language: French
Author: Kyôsuke Gun
MINI BONSAÏ: Les Azalées / Rhododendron Indicum...
€24.00MINI BONSAÏ: Les Azalées / Rhododendron Indicum Book (FR)
Language: French
Author: Kyôsuke Gun
XX Congreso Nacional de Bonsai Asociación...
€24.00XX Congreso Nacional de Bonsai Asociación Amigos del Bonsái Book
Language: Spanish
MINI BONSAI: Le pin noir (Kuromatsu) Book (FR)
€24.00MINI BONSAI: Le pin noir (Kuromatsu) Book (FR)
Author: Kyosuke Gun
Language: French
Du bon usage du jardin zen Book (FR)
€25.00Du bon usage du jardin zen Book (FR)
Language: French
Author: Erik Borja
Arbres Extraordinaires Book (FR)
€25.00Arbres Extraordinaires Book (FR)
Language: French
Author: Lewis Blackwell
L'Ikebana pas à pas Book (FR)
€25.00L'Ikebana pas à pas Book (FR)
Language: French
Vos bonsaï en pleine forme Book (FR)
€25.00Vos bonsaï en pleine forme Book (FR)
Language: French
Author: Joseph SOMM
Arbres de A à Z Book (FR)
€25.00Arbres de A à Z Book (FR)
Language: French
Author: Helmut Pirc
Editorial: Ulmer
Bonsai books and guides
In this section of our online store you will find a large collection of the best books and guides in the world of bonsai.
Discover publications specialised in bonsai moulding and cultivation techniques, oriental culture, Zen decoration, Japanese gardens or learn with the advice of the best world masters in this oriental art.
Choose from a careful selection of books and guides for amateurs and professionals and receive them at home to be enjoyed at any time.
At Mistral Bonsai we offer you the most interesting international publications related to this exciting ancient art, you just have to choose the language: Spanish, French, Japanese, English ... Do not miss our selection!